Second Workshop of the European Club for Fetal Surgery (ECFS)

January 20 - 22 2016


Second Workshop of the European Club for Fetal Surgery (ECFS)




Sils i.E., Switzerland



Hotel reservation must be made separately by clicking the “Lodging” button. Details about the program will be published on our website and sent by email.

If an official invitation letter is required, please let us know (

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is a pleasure to invite you to attend the Second workshop of the European Club for Fetal Surgery, which will take place January 20-22, 2016 in Sils i.E., Switzerland at Waldhaus. Registration is now open. Hotel reservation must be made separately by clicking the “Lodging” button. Details about the program will be published on our website and sent by email.

Prof. Dr. Martin Meuli, MD
Surgeon in Chief
Department of Pediatric Surgery
University Children's Hospital Zurich

<p>Prof. Dr. Martin Meuli, MD<br />
Surgeon in Chief<br />
Department of Pediatric Surgery<br />
University Children's Hospital Zurich</p>

Prof. Dr. Roland Zimmermann, MD
Division of Obstetrics
University Hospital Zurich

<p>Prof. Dr. Roland Zimmermann, MD<br />
Director<br />
Division of Obstetrics<br />
University Hospital Zurich</p>

PD Dr. Ueli Moehrlen, MD
Senior attending physician
Department of Pediatric Surgery
University Children's Hospital Zurich

<p>PD Dr. Ueli Moehrlen, MD<br />
Senior attending physician<br />
Department of Pediatric Surgery<br />
University Children's Hospital Zurich</p>

Prof. Dr. Nicole Ochsenbein, MD
Senior attending physician
Division of Obstetrics
University Hospital Zurich

<p>Prof. Dr. Nicole Ochsenbein, MD<br />
Senior attending physician<br />
Division of Obstetrics<br />
University Hospital Zurich</p>
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The nearest international airport is Zurich. Several airlines offering direct flights to Zurich.

Sils is located in the south-east of Switzerland, close to the famous town of St. Moritz.

From Zurich Airport it can be reached in approximately 4 hours by train respectively in 3 hours by car.

Travelling by train:
Please check the website
for all informations regarding timetable and ticket sales.

Alternatively, Sils can also be reached from Milano Malpensa Airport (Italy) in approximately 3 hours by car.


Room Price CHF Extra night CHF
2A-Best 464 585
2B-Standard 416 532
2D-Small* 355 464

* Limited number


Room Price CHF Extra night CHF
1A-Best 263 327
1B-Standard 213 271
1D-Small* 177 232

* Only 8 rooms available

Special conditions for the participants. Rates per room and night in Swiss francs, including breakfast buffet, all other taxes and the service charge.



Children under 2 years: free

Children from 2 up to and including 5 years: CHF 25.-

Children from 6 up to and including 12 years: CHF 49.-

Children from 13 years: CHF 75.-

Rates for children in the parent’s room per night and child in Swiss francs, including breakfast buffet, all other taxes and the service charge.If you prefer a separate room for the children (with connecting door to the parent’s room), we charge CHF 200 in addition to the above rates for children per night.

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Swiss Society of Pediatric Surgery
20.01.2016 3.5 CME credits
21.01.2016 4.0 CME credits
22.01.2016 2.5 CME credits
Total  10.0  CME credits


Swiss Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics
20.01.2016 5.0 CME credits
21.01.2016 6.0 CME credits
22.01.2016 4.0 CME credits
Total  15.0  CME credits

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Early registration rates:

Participant 540 CHF
Trainee / Midwife / Nurse /Paramedical person 440 CHF
Accompanying person 380 CHF

Registration rates after December first, 2015:

Participant 590 CHF
Trainee / Midwife / Nurse /Paramedical person 490 CHF
Accompanying person 430 CHF


Payment should be made to:

Bank account

Bank:    Credit Suisse, CH-8070 Zürich, Switzerland
Konto:  334.939-91   
Clearing/BLZ:  4835
IBAN: CH33 0483 5033 4939 9100 0
Reason for payment: 20171/8604 (please always add this number)